Two-thirds of homeless ex-prisoners reoffend within a year.  

(Ministry of Justice, 2016) 

"The first step to reducing reoffending is making sure everyone leaving prison has access to secure and stable accommodation." The Ministry of Justice , August 2019. 

Ark Resettlement Services provides ex-prisoners with accommodation and support at a time when they are most in need of it. On release, many ex-prisoners find themselves homeless, alienated from accessing services, experiencing mental and physical health difficulties, on top of countless daily struggles that make it extremely difficult for them to have any belief in themselves or hope for the future. It is crucial that they are given a chance to succeed.  

How do we fit into their journey? 
The cycle of change - Tara to reframe hope street graphics for this section: 
- give hope, instill independence, independent living 


ARK Resettlement Services was set up in 2014 by a group of interested agencies, including landlords  – who identified an urgent need for providing housing and support to vulnerable offenders and, following local surveys and research, came together to set up this specialist community organisation. 

ARKRS began by dealing with low risk offending groups (i.e. less likely to re-offend) and has gradually grown into becoming leading provider of housing for Haringey Integrated Offender Management (IOM) – made up of Police, Probation and Prison services – as well as Haringey Vulnerable Adults Team and other voluntary organisations.